TaxAction Bulletin Board
Document Drop Off and Pick Up
Many clients email us their documents but if you prefer you can mail, fax or drop them off in person.
Document Drop Off
We have a standard size mail slot you can drop your documents through 24/7. If you are dropping off documents that will not fit through a standard mail slot, you are advised to call ahead to ensure someone will be here to receive them.
Document Pick Up
If you are picking up documents, please call ahead to let us know you are coming, so we can ensure all the documents are ready and that someone is available for you to receive them from.
If the file is not too big, we recommend letting us mail it out to you.
A Note About Meetings
We prepare and file approximately 1,500 personal tax returns each year. We have learned from COVID lockdowns that scheduling in-office meetings during our extremely busy season from mid February to the end of June is nowhere near as efficient as telephone meetings. Accordingly, we are holding meetings exclusively over the phone this tax season.
Please book a time and send us your information at least five days ahead of your meeting to give us time to prepare.
To ensure that all files get completed on a timely basis, we will be blocking off times in the calendar as we get closer to our deadlines.
We look forward to hearing from you!